With a stunning new EP out on the excellent Knotweed Records, Argentinian duo Dying and Barakat have been making waves with their brand of contemporary rolling techno.
We caught up with the pair to discuss their passion for techno, dig deeper into their influences and talk about their plans for the coming year.
Our process is always collaborative. We like to sit down and listen to some music that we have found days before sitting down to produce, as inspiration. The starting point is always different, ideas can come from various genres or sounds, that's why our music is not pigeonholed in a genre 100%.
Firstly, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. We are big admirers of your productions at Trip and we are looking forward to hearing more about what you have in store for the techno community.
Can you tell us a little about the techno scene in Argentina and how it has developed?
In the last 10 years the techno scene in Argentina was changing, it always had good proposals and several spaces in the city to go to listen to new artists.
During the pandemic period, it had its ups and downs but after that, the scene knew how to reinvent itself. In our country, there are good DJs and producers of good quality that sound around the world.
We could be an exponent country in the world scene but, due to a constant fight of egos between artists, it is difficult on many occasions to be able to put something together and work between artists.
You seem to have a deep passion for Detroit techno and Chicago house is that echoed through your catalogue of work. Can you tell us about how this connection with this form of music and perhaps the most influential tracks for you both?
We are long time collectors of music and we always feel much more identified with Detroit Techno and Dub than Chicago House music. Some tracks that influenced us:
Djorvin Clain – Unwritten Secrets (Tadeo Remix)
Bryan Zentz – D-Clash
Your recent EP on Knotweed has been getting critical acclaim from a range of big hitting techno DJs. Can you talk to us about how you connected with Knotweed and the process of putting together this EP?
After releasing our first vinyl on CLFT in 2012, we found another great French label, Knotweed Records, which is run by Philippe Petit who always gave us the freedom to express our way of seeing music in a fluid way. As for the creation process, it’s been a few years since the last time we met in the studio, so when we met again and we set out to create a new release for the label.
Working as a duo how do you manage the creative process in the studio. Do you both have individual roles or is it entirely collaborative?
Our process is always collaborative. We like to sit down and listen to some music that we have found days before sitting down to produce, as inspiration. The starting point is always different, ideas can come from various genres or sounds, that’s why our music is not pigeonholed in a genre 100%.
If you could only take one favourite synth or drum machine from your studio to make music on. Which one would it be and why?
We don’t have analog hardware in our studio, we work with software and plugins.
If you had to describe your DJ’ing style in just three words what would they be?Intense, emotional and versatile.
What have been some of the highlights or funniest memories from the parties you played at around the world so far?
The funniest memories we have are from our Live- set at Tresor, where we had our best friends enjoying the music hanging on the cage.
You are throwing your dream event or party. What is the DJ line-up, where in the world is it and who is attending?Our dream event would be at some festival in Detroit and the guests to play with us in the same line up would be: DJ Stingray, Robert Hood and Vince Watson.
Can you tell us three producers or DJs you have your eye on for the coming year?
Chontane, Juri Heidemann and Sons of Hidden
The electronic music scene was hit pretty hard by the pandemic. Have you any sound advice for new DJs and producers just starting out in this current post-Covid climate?
The best advice we can give is that if you want to dedicate yourself to this, do it because you are passionate about it. Social networks and fame is something that confuses many people, but we must not forget that it is not something more than ephemeral, and that in many cases it ends suddenly.
Finally, what is on the horizon for you both in 2023?
This year is very important for us, we hope to be able to prepare our new Live Set, which we will be presenting in 2024 on our next European tour.